Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Ten Resolutions for India in 2013

Ten Resolutions for India in 2013:

In the spirit of David Letterman, the comedian talk show host of his own name, who originated list of ten …things, here is a first list of Ten Resolutions for India in 2013:

11.       Make wise and inclusive economic and social policies.
22.       Reduce gap between policy and implementation.
33.       Reduce gap between unreasonable expectations and reality.
44.       Begin to let go of the Maharaja and British Raj top down culture and treatment of people.
55.       Focus on investment friendly policies.
66.       Expand the national, state and local education budget by ten percent.
77.       Make an attempt to create an environment of civility in each person.
88.       Offer courses in personal civil behavior in school, college and civil service curricula.
99.       Practice respect for democracy, institutions, rule of law and a fair process.
110.   Restore trust in public leaders, business and the general public.

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